Detox Day 12 – 3/12/10

12 Mar

Woke up hella early to get my day started.  I'm going to eat some form of protein today, but just at dinner.  We'll see how it goes.  MUST REMEMBER: SMALL PORTIONS(4oz at most)

5:00 – Workout #1(Unlimited WOD)
  • Front Squat + Jerk: 5-5-5-5-5(all 5squats then 1 Jerk) – Weight was 45#-65#-75#-85#-95#
  • 100 KB Swings, top of every minute do 4 burpees. I used the 20KG bell, took 14:40

KB Swings were difficult.  I'm not sure if all of them were legal, but I pushed through.  I was going to give up at 25 and 50, but I didn't!  MUST PUSH THROUGH!

7:00 – Whey protein w/ water- BLEH, and a couple of carrots to wash it down with.

8:00 – 1/3 of my egg white veggie omelet from Hobees.  SO FREAKIN' YUMMY!

11:00 – picked out the veggies from my omelet and ate all of it.  then ate some of the left over egg white.

12:00 – Workout #2
  • 3 rounds not for time: 500 m row, 30 GHD sit ups
1:30 – on the road running errands, and got hungry, so i had 1 egg white and some carrots.
3:00 – mangoes
7:00 – broiled tumeric and dill basa.  this had some salt in the seasoning that i made.  i ate it with lettuce, cucumbers, and mints.  dessert: grapefruit and some grapes

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