Archive | January, 2013


15 Jan

Howdy!  Day 14 of Whole30 and still going strong.  I’m trying to stay within macro limits as well.  It’s easy on the weekdays because the day just zooms by, but when the weekend comes and we are left just hanging out, I tend to think about food too much and graze.  Then I have to adjust my macros to make it all fit.  Anyways, fit girl problems right?!  Onto more important things, like PR-ing FGB!

Fight Gone Bad

  • 3 Rounds, As Many Reps as Possible, 1 Minute at each station
  • Wall Balls(20#/14#) to 10′ Target
  • Sumo Deadlift High Pulls(75#/55#)
  • Box Jumps 20″
  • Push Pres(75#/55#)
  • Calorie Row
  • 1 Minute Rest

I wasn’t expecting this WOD today.  With some back pain, I’m glad it wasn’t deadlifts or anything like that.  For warm-up we practiced walking up and down the wall into a handstand, trying to get as vertical as possible.  I had some trouble with coordination, but it definitely helped warm up the shoulders.

By the time we got ready for the WOD, I decided to start on Wall Balls.  Why not right?  Start with my nemesis and get it over with.  I got 17 wall balls consecutively with good form on the first round.  I ended up with 21, so that definitely put a smile on my face.  Of course, I was gassed in the next round and only got 12 or 13.  All the other stations felt good except for SDHP.  I could feel the bar drifting away from me.  Definitely due to exhaustion.  Push presses felt light and fast.  They burned, but I definitely tried to not put the bar down within that minute.

Take away from this WOD…Must learn how to keep good form while under extreme exhaustion.  I don’t know how the elite’s do it, but they do it, so it can be done.

Score: 226 RX’d…12 reps more than last January.

I got to work and did some back squat reps, 2 sets of chin ups, and goblet squats. Back squats were 95#(5)-115#(5)-125#(3)-145#(2)-155#(1). I guess 155# is a new PR, since I’ve never done 1 rep max back squats. At least I know I’ll get that at the competition. I BETTER GET THAT!

01/07/2013 – Whole30 Day 7

8 Jan

I took 3 days off from working out and I feel so refreshed!  I went to CFPA today and it felt great to get moving again, and I feel really motivated to train hard and reach my goals.

Here’s what we did.

Strength: Hang Power Cleans

Every 3 minutes do 5 reps: 53#-63#-73#-78#-83#

I wasn’t trying to go super heavy because I wanted to make sure form was on point.  


7 Rounds For Time

7 Thrusters(75#/55#)


7 Burpees

WOWZA!  In my head I thought 7 thrusters at 55#…easy!  I also thought this WOD was going to be fast.  It happens every time with CrossFit.  When you think a WOD is easy, better think again.  I went unbroken with the thrusters.  The bar definitely felt light going over head, but I was getting tired, so I didn’t string the SDHP together. Burpees were burpees. Painful. I now know that I have to just keep moving and get them done.

After CrossFit I usually lift and today was Back Squats. Did 5×5 but failed on the last set to get the full 5 reps at 140#. Did some dumbbell lunges to work on grip strength and plank holds.

I have a whole schedule planned out to work on weaknesses for the Courage Games. Yes, I signed up for a competition and now I’m nervous and excited. Tim gave us great suggestions on what we needed to do, so I’m trying to incorporate skills on off days while getting some rowing and running in. I’ll continue to lift after CrossFit sticking to Back Squat, Deadlifts, Bench, and Press. I do have to focus a bit more time in working the gymnastic skills, especially HSPUs. I’ll be lucky if I can complete 10 HSPUs by the end of the month. All in the name of FUN! Can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store. I’m definitely have tons of new energy right now. I want to keep it consistent though, and not tire myself out come spring time.

Cheers to health and fitness!

Goodbye 2012…Hello 2013!

3 Jan

Yes, I’ve disappeared for a few months.  I wanted to disconnect a bit because I was spending too much time on social media and not focusing more of my time on more important things.  For example, blogging took my time away from focusing on work and trying to better my career.

Nothing has changed much in my life.  I’m still super busy with the kids, busy at work, still lovin” CrossFit, still eating clean(except for December), and still trying to reach my fitness goals.  I’m gaining strength and enjoying my workouts.  I don’t really run much anymore, but lately I’ve been missing it.  Physique wise, I’m not completely there yet, but I will be.  I’m hoping I won’t need to focus on it so much, and just put all my energy towards my strength goals.  Then the physique part will come with it.  I HAVE TO STAY CONSISTENT and STICK WITH THE PLAN.  I can’t let temptation get the best of me.  And yes, I’m talking about food. I love eating clean because it makes my body feel good, and I feel horrible when I don’t eat clean. Staying focused and in control is the only way I’ll succeed.

I’ve learned so much in 2012 in regards to nutrition and fitness, especially since I worked with a couple nutrition coaches.  Everyone’s body is so different, and honestly, you just gotta find what works for you.  Lots of experiments and patience.  Patience is key, and I’m hoping patience will also get me to where I want to be in 2013.