Archive | August, 2010

Done with Maui/Off to Oahu – 08/30/10

30 Aug

The last two nights, I've ended the day with bread, noodles, more bread, and two scoops of ice cream in a waffle cone.  Our trip is winding down, and my diet needs to tighten up.  September 1st is the day I get back on the Paleo train and portion control.  LOTS OF VEGGIES, LOTS of PROTEIN.  It's going to be hard because we'll still be on vacation September 1st, but I will try my best.  Lately I've been really good in the day, and  then I just splurge at night.  It puts me to sleep, and I wake up feeling ICK!  Farts galore!  I've been able to get some workouts in, and we are going to Lahaina Crossfit this morning, so that will be good.  YAY for vacation!

7:00 – Lahaina Crossfit
Strength – 3×5 of clean & jerk: 45#/65#/75#
Metcon – 3 rounds of 1 min KB Swings(1pood), 1 min Box jumps, 1 min SDHP(45#)

Had a Paleo Kit for brunch, a turkey protein burger with fried egg and bacon and sweet potatoes for lunch, and some oxtail ramin for dinner w/ mangoes.

I had samples of the Hawaiian Cookies.  mmmMMMMmmmm 

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Off to Maui! – 08/25/2010

25 Aug

YAY!  Didn't sleep too well last night because it was hot.  I was up at 1AM and 330AM.

5:00 – CFPA
Stength: Zercher Squat – 35#(5)/65#(5)/85#(5)/95#(3)/105#(3)/105#(3)
Metcon: 3 rounds: 200 m SB Run, 10 SB Clean + Overhead.  I did the run with 50#, and clean with 25# – 7:55

8:30 – Breakfast: 5oz of grilled chicken breast with asparagus, broccoli, and cauliflower.  Avocado and banana with coconut milk

1:30 – Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli

3:30(Maui time) – Paleo Kit

6:00 – Aloha mixed plate with salad, mai tai, and some fries

Summary – 90% Paleo, not bad for a day of travelling.  Hopefully I can stay on tract tomorrow too.  YAY for Maui!

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One more day till Hawaii – 08/24/2010

24 Aug

Yesterday turned out to be a total shitty day.  Why are people so stubborn.  Stubbornness doesn't get you anywhere in life.  Get over it!!

5:00 – CFPA
Strength: Push Press – 63#(5)/63#(5)/68#(5)/73#(3)/73#(3)/83#(3)
Metcon: Run 400m, 24 T2B, 24 Box Jumps, 200m run, 16 T2B, 16 Box Jumps, 200m run, 8T2B, 8 Box Jumps, Run 400m – 11:55

I need to work on punching out the wrist, and keeping the heels down when I push out.

8:00 – Breakfast: 60grams of Ahi Tuna, and half an avocado
10:30 – Cashews because I was hungry. 😉
12:15 – Oxtail and Salmon Jerk at Coconuts in Palo Alto.  Also had some veggies and sweet potato fries.

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Getting Dunked – 08/23/10

23 Aug

AAAH, I woke up late, so I missed my 5AM class.  Schedule was all wacked this morning, but now I am back to normal.  I'm going to IF today because I have a dunk appointment at 3PM.  I brought all this lunch too, but oh well.  I will just eat after my dunk.

7:00 – CFPA
Strength – Worked on Snatch, 33#(5), 53(#), 58#(5), 63#(3), 63#(3), 63(#)
MetCon – AMAP for 10 Minutes of 10 Front Squats(87#), Max Push Ups.  I got a total of 75 Pushups in 5 rounds.  Ouch!!!

I need to work on keep core tight while doing the snatch.  I was doing a squat snatch too, and Tim told me afterwards to just focus on the power snatch instead.

11:30 – Run – 2.71 miles in 25:11.  It's freakin' HOT!

3:00 – Got Dunked, and boy…am I fat!  I am 25% BF, up 4.5% from March!!  Yes, I already know this, and it shouldn't be a big surprise.  It all goes to the abs and love handles.  Time to step up my game.  Vacation will be a test. I'm not going to be anal or make a big deal about it.  But September comes around, and I gotta kick it up into high gear!

3:30 – Lunch: 3 fried eggs with some broccoli
5:00 – 1 cup of watermelon and a small handful of cranberries
7:30 – 3 fried egg in coconut oil.  Dessert was half a banana with avocado, coconut milk, and half a scoop of whey protein powder.
Summary: I'm FAT and I got to get over this.  I need to find alternative methods to keep me full without binging on nuts.  Yes, I do binge on nuts.  I guess I can eat half a bag of cashews if I wanted to, and I've done that MULTIPLE times while on Whole30.  I  need to eat more veggies!!  MORE VEGGIES!  Maybe just stick to veggies that I like, cauliflower, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.  Today's calories were low because I IF'ed until 3:30.
Calories: 832
PRO: 53.5(25%)
CHO: 46.0(20%)
FAT: 51.9(55%)

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Craving something all day – 08/22/2010

23 Aug

All day I was craving something bad.  ANYTHING.  Cookies?  Bread?  Ice cream?  What do I want.  I couldn't decide, and if I cheated I wanted the cheat to be worth it!!  

Breakfast: Half an avocado with half a banana, half scoop of whey, and a dab of coconut milk.  YUM!  taste like butta!
Snack: 2 egg whites
Lunch: Ahi tuna with boiled broccoli and bok choy
Snack: Blueberries, dried cranberries
Dinner: Scallops(DELICIOUS!!) and pan fried broccoli and bok choy with squash.
Dessert: PaleoKrunch with some cranberries and blueberries
Summary: I ended up going to mall, and thought about getting pretzels and cookies for a split second.  I didn't do it.  Instead I got a small messenger bag.  LOL.  If I can't eat, I'll shop.  BAD!  People say I should be eating more calories.  I shouldn't weigh anything either, but I can't help it.  Carbs are a bit high.  I guess I could of done without the PaleoKrunch.  That was my last "regular" bag, so I just want to get rid of it before I leave to Hawaii.
Calories: 1308

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Saturday Fun Days – 08/21/10

21 Aug
I got some help on the Crossfit forum, and they said I need to definitely up my calories with PALEO foods.  So, I should not be eating cashews, because they are high in carbs.  I'm going to try to eat more veggies and stick to about the same amount of protein.  I need to get full from veggies though, and not rely on so much protein.

7:30 – Breakfast: 2 poached eggs with a dab of hollandaise sauce, and 1 cup of greens.  3/4 of an apple with 1 tbsp of sunbutter.  Should keep me full until at least 11.

10:30 – 1 egg white
1:00 – protein burger from five guys burger and fries.  had some cajun fries too
4:00 – 2.5 oz chicken breast deli meat
6:00 – sashimi(at least 12oz) and seaweed salad
Summary:  Did okay today.  Maybe ate too much for dinner, but stayed away from the rice.  Shouldn't of had those few pieces of fries, but I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
Calories: ~1400
PRO: ~136.6(38%)
CHO: ~48.4(12%)
FAT: ~84.3(51%)

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TGIF – 08/20/2010

20 Aug

After Wednesday's binge, I think I want more pan de sal!  But I'm trying to maintain, and just jump back into clean eating.  I did it yesterday, just over ate on the fat.  BOOO!

5:00 – CFPA
Strength: Ring dips.  These are so hard for me.  Not sure why.  I need to practice more.
Metcon: AMRAP in 10 minutes: 5 DB DL, 5 DB Hand Power Clean, 5 DB Thursters/ Rx'ed at 25# = 10 rounds + 10 reps

I was not feeling the ring dips.  The metcon woke me up, and it was a good one.  My forearm is going to get huge.  LOL

7:30 – PWO Meal: Half a scoop of vanilla protein powder with water, and 2oz of sweet potato puree(baby food)

9:45 – Breakfast: 4 egg whites with half a red onion, and some bell peppers.  I also grabbed brussel sprouts and carrots for more veggies.  Definitely a 3 block meal.
11:30 – Run: 3.87 miles and it took 35:08.  Felt really good.  Not too fast, but not too slow either.

2:45 – Lunch: Romaine lettuce with 1 oz of chicken!  BLEH, I took apart the TJ ceasar salad, and that was all that was left.  So I munched on 1/2 cup of cashews(maybe more!), and some cranberries. <—-BAD!
6:30 – Dinner: Went to Tribu Grill with Jan, Shelly, and Sue.  I stuck to my guns with protein and veggies for dinner.  Dessert came out and I had about 3 small bites of the ice cream, and 2 small bites of the sticky rice.  Not sure what it is called, but I thought I did well!  LOL.  Until I came home, and started eating jerky and watermelon.  Definitely full after that.

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Leaky gut…

19 Aug

Oh man, I felt like I let go 10#s from yesterday.  And sorry if this is a bit TMI, but my farts stink!  Not sure if it was the cheese or the bread.  Ok, time to get serious and back on track.  Today is an IF day.  Let's see how long I can last.  Hopefully till dinner or when I get home to Mason.  I have a hair appt, and maybe I can just fast till then too.  We shall see!

5:30 – CFE WOD
Run: 4×5 min intervals with 3 minute recover in between.  This WOD was for distance.  I did it on the treadmill switching between 7.0-8.0.  My distance was between .6mi and .69mi for each interval.

Hmm…it's 1:00 now, should I eat or not?  It would be a 16 hour fast.  Maybe I'll eat at 2pm when they do my hair.

1:30 – Lunch: Spinach salad with 3.5oz chicken tenders, strawberries, pistachios, and half an avocado.  YUM!

4:15 – 30 minute walk with Mason

5:00 – Snack: Strawberries, 1.5oz of applegate chicken breast

6:30 – Dinner: Ahi tuna pan fried with sautéed brussel sprouts, broccoli, carrots, and bell peppers

7:30 – Snack: CASHEWS, lots of it.  1 block of blueberries, with some paleo krunch and a dap of coconut milk. I should not have eaten all those cashews.  I thew the bag away.

Summary:  I should not have snacked so much on the cashews in the evening.  I don't know why I do it.  Maybe because I feel as though I'm not full.  Ugh!  Need to reset tomorrow with clean eating.
FAT:95.4g – WOW!!  

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Ice cream!!

18 Aug

Let's get right into it!

5:00 – CFPA
Strength: Front Squats….98#(3)/108#(3)/118#(3)/123#(1)/130#(1)/–(1)
YAY, I PR'ed by 2 lbs.  LOL.  I was going to do 128#, which is my original FS number, after my 123#, but Tim said why waste your 1 rep on a max that you did before.  I didn't want to jump 5#, because it was getting hard.  I really need to figure out how to up the weight without making it so difficult at the beginning.  On the last rep of the 118#, my back was rolling forward already and it was hard to keep my elbows up.

Metcon: 8 RFT, 110m run, 8 KB Swings(20kg), 5 pull-ups = 10:14
UGH!!!  I did not beat my last time.  Last time i got 10:13, but only with 40#.  This time I did the KB swings with 44#.   I was so pissed!  Tim made me feel better, but if I didn't lag on running, or didn't rest as much I would of gotten it.  I always feel I could do better.  Everything was unbroken though, which was good.  The pull-ups were getting difficult towards the last two rounds.

6:45 – PWO Snack: Half a scoop of whey protein w/ water, and 2oz of sweet potatoes(baby food). 😉

9:30 – Breakfast:  4 egg white omelet with bell peppers and onions.  A side of chinese broccoli, and a small scoop of sun dried tomato pesto.  Definitely 3 blocks of proteins.  Maybe not enough carbs.  I used coconut oil for fat.
11:45 – CFE WOD
Run: 10 seconds on 5 seconds off x20.  I love my Garmin watch.  I set it up to beep every 10 seconds, the rest every 5 seconds.  This was a tough workout and got our heart rate up.


Now, I was going to have ice cream today at our section meeting(hence the title of my blog today), but I went for bigger and better things!  A depression session with my girls which included half a sourdough sandwich, 2 pan de sals, 2 cheese balls, some sweet bread, garlic cheese bread, and half a slice of pizza.  Oh ya, let's add some cashews(lots of it) and watermelon.  LOL.  So much for being good until Hawaii.  Lesson for today: I WILL NOT FEEL GUILTY FOR A UNPLANNED CHEAT.  I WILL PICK IT BACK UP TOMORROW AND WORK EVEN HARDER!

Another note, pizza did not taste as great as I thought it would be.  Pan de sal was awesome, but still not as great either.  It's weird that once I went Paleo, when I cheated, it wasn't that satisfying.  Maybe I need to cheat with more sweet stuff instead of savory stuff.  It feels as though I eat savory type stuff all the time, so maybe a good cookie or ice cream would satisfy a cheat more.  Until Hawaii though!!!  

Calorie: ~3500
CHO: ~400
FAT: ~100

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To IF or not…- 08/17/10

17 Aug

Today is usually an IF day(intermittent fasting), but since I'm watching my portions, maybe I shouldn't.  I brought breakfast and lunch with me, but I haven't had anything except for coffee yet.  We'll see how long it can last.  To IF properly, you need to NOT eat for 16+ hours, usually from dinner the night before to dinner the next day.  Then you eat 1 big meal, and that's it.  Other people have gone 16+ hours, then an 8 hour eating window.  The key is to still stay under the calorie intake, and not to eat regular meals.  Do not overindulge just because you haven't eaten anything all day!

5:30 – Workout Of the Week(WOW) developed by Mark Sission, the Primal Blueprint author and creator of Primal Blueprint Fitness

Maximum cycles in 12 minutes of 50 m sprints, 10 air squats, 10 push ups – Total 10 rounds + 50 m sprint

This one was a good one, and I always feel as though I could of gone faster.  I didn't accurately measure out 50m because I didn't have my watch on me, but it was pretty close.  I'll measure it one day.

7:00 – Peet's coffee, black, no sugar…WOW, I might be able to get used to this.
IF ended at 1PM!
1:00 – Lunch: Large spinach salad with ground turkey spaghetti, half an avocado, carrots, and 6 cherry tomatoes.  Looks like I might have went over on the protein, close to 4 blocks, but the carbs is right at 3 blocks.  Went way over the fat, but I'm fine with that as long as I don't get over on the carbs.  
2:50 – Snack: 1 cup of strawberries(1 carb block) and 1oz of beef jerky
Geez, I go back and forth, back and forth thinking about whether or not to eat it.  JUST DO IT!  It's just strawberries.  1 block of strawberries, that's it!  I think I'm afraid of what might happen afterwards.  More snacking, more eating.  That's why I must take my time a chew my food.  I'm being too noradic. 
Jerky was made from my workout partner at xfit.  I'm only eating 1oz or 1 block of protein. 
4:00 – 40 minute walk with Mason

5:15 – Snack: 1 cup of watermelon

6:30 – Dinner: Beef soup veggies with sweet potatoes and 1 piece of chicken tender.  That's not it!  LOL – dried cranberries w/ pistachios.  Ya, I might have over ate a bit, but calories are still under.

Summary: I shouldn't have eaten too much during dinner.  I didn't have to eat the sweet potato and chicken tender, but I was under carbs and protein.  Need to control next time.

Calories: 1,070
PRO: 88.3
CHO: 90
FAT: 42.1

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